Classic Controls, Inc. - Best In Class Instruments, Controls, and Valves
Serving Florida, Georgia, the Caribbean, & Central America

Faure Herman

Faure Herman


Faure Herman is known for its expertise in designing, manufacturing, and maintaining fluid metering devices with a world-class calibration facility to serve a wide range of industries in petroleum, energy, aeronautics, water, etc. Faure Herman sizes, develops, produces, tunes, and calibrates customized equipment for high-performance liquid or gaseous fluids measurement.
Faure Herman


Helical Turbine Custody Transfer Liquid Flowmeters Calibrated on Actual Hydrocarbons

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Lakeland, Florida 33813

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© Copyright Classic Controls, Inc. 5095 S. Lakeland Drive | Lakeland. Florida 33813 | 863.644.3642, Fax 863.648.0484